Coaches Overview

Tyler Smith
Coaching Achievements
- U.S. D License
- U.S. Grassroots License
- Choctaw High School Freshman Head Coach
- Head Coach Bruner Middle School Boys Soccer (4 Years)
- 2019/2020 County Champions
7 Years Coaching Experience
4 Years Coaching RADFC
Positions Played/Playing History
- 3v3 National Runner Up
- 2014 State Runner Up
- 2015 District Champions
- 2015 Regional Champions
- 2015 State Champions
- 2016 District Champions
Teams Played For
- Pryor Pirates
- Navarre Pythons
- Navarre Viper
- Gulf Coast Texans
- Choctaw High School
- Pensacola FC GCPL
- Pensacola Bay United GCPL

Shaun Kahn
- 15 years of coaching experience for travel teams boys and girls teams from ages 5-15 years old
- Assistant coach for Harrison, Arkansas varsity boys and girls team
- Played at the University of South Florida, a Division 1 college
- BS Degree in Exercise Science at University South Florida
- Doctorate of Chiropractic from Parker Chiropractic College
Dr. Shaun has spent the last 25 years practicing Chiropractic for his local community, schools, teams, and the athletes for The University of Arkansas. Shaun recently purchased a local chiropractic office in Destin to offer like services.

Demitris Stevens
(850) 240-4197
- U.S. Soccer Federation D License
- U.S. Soccer Federation National F License
- U.S. Soccer Federation Grassroots Certified
- U.S. Soccer Federation 4v4, 7v7 and 11v11 License
- Destin Middle School Girls Soccer Head Coach
- Coached at 7v7, 9v9 and 11v11 level
- Coaching with RAD FC: Spring 2018-present
- 8+ years of experience coaching at the up to 13+ level
- 8+ years of Track coaching experience (current Destin Middle
- school Boys Head Track Coach)
- 4+ years of XC Coaching experience (current Destin Middle School Boys Head XC Coach)

Jordan Williams
Playing Career
- Okaloosa Mutiny
- FWB Gladiators
- Navarre United
- FWB H.S.
Coaching Career (12 Years)
- Grassroots
- D License
- Bruner
- FWBHS Girls
- Navarre United
- Liza Jackson

Liam Power
Coaching Background
- Bruner Middle School Assistant coach (4 years) 2019/2020 County Champions
Playing History
- 2012/13 Southend District League B Runner Up
- 2016 District Champions
Teams Played For
- Catholic United
- Cross YFC
- Choctawhatchee High School
- Pensacola Bay United

Matt Oswald
(850) 499-8515
- U.S. Soccer Federation D & E license
- Tovo methodology certified
Matt started RAD FC in 2009 with a handful of players and a commitment to improve the level of youth soccer along the northern gulf coast of Florida. His tireless work for the community, players and coaches is evident from the success of the club and the players it produces.
Coaching Assignments
RADfc is a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization founded in 2012 along the Emerald Coast of Florida in Destin committed to building the foundation for competitive youth soccer.